Saturday, February 17, 2024

Vail - Day 3 - The Full Family

Feb 17,

Today was a sunny day, so we were able to go to the back bowls and all over the place. The powder snow is beautiful, but it is harder to ski on it. So once again the mountain kicked my butt. I had to work hard at it. I hung in there all day, but my legs were exhausted once again. The views are gorgeous though - the reason why I love this place.

After skiing Sofia and I walked around for a bit, looking for a new Vail sweater for her. She still has her old one, but it is already too small for her. We then went back to the rental apartment, rested for only a little bit, took showers, and went back out for dinner. After dinner it got really cold, so we powered walked back to our place.

Sofia has to go back to school tomorrow, since she has classes on Monday, and her shuttle leaves at 1:30pm. So I am not going to ski tomorrow in favor of spending time with her before she has to leave.

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