Sunday, July 21, 2024

Berlin Work Trip

Jul 18,

The trip to Berlin went smoothly, with no delays and no issues getting my connection in Amsterdam. The only annoyance during the trip was the old man sitting in front of me arguing with the flight attendant because she wouldn't give him a 5th alcoholic drink  - after 2 beers and 2 whiskeys! I was definitely hating on him for not letting me sleep. However, while the trip went well, my suitcase never came out when I arrived in Berlin. I had to go to the hotel without it and call delta to report the missing suitcase. They created a report with KLM, and arranged for the suitcase to be delivered.

I knew the hotel room would not be ready, since I arrived in the morning, so as soon as I got to the hotel I dropped off my backpack at the reception and went to walk around for like 3 hours - the best way to stay awake and fight the jetlag. I also bought myself a couple of outfits, suspecting my suitcase would not be delivered the same day. I had one clean outfit in my backpack, but I needed it for the evening and it was not appropriate for the plant. It was a dress and at the plant you need to cover your legs for safety reasons.

I am glad I went shopping that first day, because my suitcase was delivered the next day, sometime during the day. It was in the room when I came back in the evening. I was glad to have something to wear, but also had to get over the fact that everyone else was dressed up and with my summery outfit I probably looked like I was someone's daughter. Regardless, the week went well. Very productive during the day and a couple of evening walks with coworkers after sitting around most of the day. That was good to get some movement going, and to visit some of the famous sights that I never got the chance to see last time I was here. 

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