Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Europe Vacation - Day 4 - Lake Day

Jul 23,

Today was a lake sort of day. The house and the lake are so beautiful, that we decided to not go anywhere and just enjoy all of it. It was a very rare day for me to happily sit around in pretty much the same spot, but I needed that and enjoyed every minute of it.

At night we did leave the house to go out for dinner to a nearby restaurant. After that it is pretty much time to crash for the night. Tomorrow morning we have to check out by 11:00am and we then go our own merry way. Kaitlin and her family are heading to Venice, and we are heading to Germany. I know Bella and Kaitlin will be sad to say goodbye, but they will see each other soon as Kaitlin is coming to Boston from Aug 7-11. So that will give them something else to look forward to.

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