Friday, July 26, 2024

Europe Vacation - Day 7 - Munich

Jul 26,

Today has been a very active sort of day, even though right now the girls appear to be taking a nap and Lionel and I are sitting on the couch. As of right now, I have a grand total of 23,316 steps - or 10.78 miles. I first went for a 4 mile run in the morning by the Olympic stadium. I didn't even realize there was a park by it, but it was a good call by Lionel to suggest that I headed in that direction. After taking a shower, and waiting for the girls to get ready, we walked around to have lunch (ate at a place called Dean and David), and walked towards an outdoor market. We made a few stops along the way, including the Hofbrauhaus - which is clearly highly touristic. It was really hot inside, so we were there literally for about 5 minutes. 

After lunch, and our touristy walk, we did what Bella really cared about. We headed towards the Olympic stadium to check out the merchandise for the Eras Tour. For that, we did take the subway.

It was hot, and sunny, and muggy, and the line was long. But at least they were efficient and we ended up waiting less than one hour. And the girls were happy with their purchases. Bella was nervous about them running out of what she wanted - and hence why we went today - so it was good to get that part out of the way. 

We then walked the ~2.7 Km back to the apartment where Bella tried her Eras Tour t-shirt on, and got Lionel to try the sweatshirt for a hot second - that made her happy.

This evening we are just going to have dinner and then call it a day. There is not much else to do around here, and the girls want to save all their energy for tomorrow. They have been waiting for over a year, so is going to be a special day for them. 

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