Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Europe Vacation - Day 5 - Drive to Germany

Jul 24,

Today we reluctantly said good bye to the lake and drove about 5 hours through Switzerland and Austria to get to Germany.  Before we left I did a 1 hour workout in the balcony, overlooking the lake, and we took a few last selfies. 

During the drive we stopped once to get gas and once to eat lunch somewhere on the German side of Switzerland. We didn't understand the signs but got ourselves a sandwich and a drink to go. So it was all good. 

Our official next stop is Munich, but since it was a long drive we are spending one night in a small town called Halblech, Bayern - kind of in the middle of nowhere. It is a cute little apartment. A little tight if we were to spend more than one night here, but for one night it should do. The weather is also cooler here, so it should be a nice break from the 90 degree heat. We got here, dropped off our stuff, went out for dinner, and Sofia and I took a 20 minute walk. The weather was pleasantly cool, and we had some nice views.

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