Sunday, July 21, 2024

Europe Vacation - Day 1 - Annecy

Jul 20,

While I did not have my suitcase, I was not going to let that ruin my first official vacation day. So after taking a shower, and putting on my same dress from the day before, we went to check out Annecy. It was sunny and hot - definitely summer weather. 

We had lunch at a place called "dip", and then went to buy some toiletries, some outfits, and to walk by the lake. Since I was not sure when they would deliver my suitcase, I did not want to take my chances and have to wear the same thing 3 days in a row.

In the evening, after showers and resting for a bit, we went out for dinner. And at about 10:30 pm they finally delivered my suitcase.

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