Sunday, July 21, 2024

Europe Vacation - Day 2 - Annecy Encore

Jul 21,

Today we got a late start. Even I got up late. Well, Lionel did wake up at a decent time, but I woke up late and the girls woke up even later.

When we finally got ready we had lunch at a Crepes place called Chez Leon. As usual, they gave us the tiniest pitcher with water and the tiniest glasses. Each one of us could literally drink 2 of those by ourselves in one sitting.

After lunch we drove around the lake for a while, and  then walked for about 30 minutes before heading back to the apartment to rest for a little bit before dinner. It was supposed to be a rainy day, but it only rained in the morning and for a few minutes at the end of our walk.

For dinner we went to a place called Nuance, and then walked around. The weather was pleasant, and the sun reflection looked beautiful in some of the buildings. Sofia even decided to go up a steep hill to be able to see it better. It was a lovely evening.

When we came back to the apartment we took showers and started packing, as tomorrow we leave at 8:00am. We have a 4-5 hour drive, and a special lunch at 1:00pm that we don’t want to miss.

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