Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day 66 - Cannobio, The Lake

For day 2 in Cannobio we took it easy. We actually woke up early, as it was hard to keep sleeping with the sun coming through the windows, but we just lingered. Lionel was feeling tired, since inevitably he caught Sofia's cold which also prevented him from sleeping. So while the girls and I entertained ourselves, he tried to get some rest.

By noon we headed out to grab a quick lunch, and take the girls to the lake. Lionel went and sat in the shade, to try to take a nap, while I watched the girls. Since I figured the water would be cold I didn't bring my swimsuit, but I wish I had - if only because it was really hot. It really felt like the heat at an actual beach. 

The girls of course didn't care that the water was cold. They did say it was, but they happily jumped in anyway. I only put my feet in. But while I was watching them I also took it all in: The beautiful mountains, the clear water, their smiling faces. I love the beach, but even with it lacking nice sand, I am tempted to say this place may be even better.

After being at the lake for 3 hours we headed back home. Since Lionel was still not feeling well, and we didn't know if we were going to feel like going out for dinner, we stopped by the store to buy some food - just in case. I am glad we did, because after taking showers, and the girls making drawings about our day (Bella's is below) it was already late. So we had a nice dinner here.

After eating and cleaning the kitchen the girls and I watched Babe, which I had rented on the Kindle. Bella fell asleep before the movie ended, and Sofia and I barely hung in there until the end. It was definitely time for bed.

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