Friday, August 8, 2014

Day 69 - Saint Die

Last night we arrived at Benoit's house at about 6:15 pm. We knew he wasn't going to be home yet, but we figured we could wait - it's not like we had something else to do anyway. We were ready to wait when his wife arrived to welcome us in. All their kids (Chloe, Maud, Pierre, and Alix) were already inside, and they appeared to be happy to have us here. I was afraid that they might feel a bit invaded with these strangers crashing at their place for three days, but it didn't feel that way.

As soon as we entered the house they asked if the girls wanted to go to the pool, which of course got a resounding YES! So all six kids got in there and played for a little while. They may not speak the same language, but they sure found a way to play together right away. In the meantime, Lionel and I got to talk to Lucie - Benoit's wife - a little bit.

Eventually the kids got cold and got out of the pool ... and then moved on to the trampoline they also have in their backyard. And when that got old, they moved inside to the french version of our playroom, complete with Playmobil sets scattered all over the floor.

This is definitely a kid friendly house (Lionel said it reminds him of Benoit's own house growing up) and Benoit's kids couldn't possibly be sweeter to the girls. As far as adult conversations go I don't understand everything, but I do understand the bulk of what is being said. So I am Ok.

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