Sunday, September 19, 2010


American football season has officially started. That is always a downer for me, as it directly translates into more alone time and frustrated family days. On a good day Lionel watches the game at home, so he is only unavailable for about three hours total. On a bad day he goes to the stadium, which then makes it a five hour affair. The game may last three hours, but you have to allow one hour to get there, and another one to come back. Couple that with the fact that the games are usually at 1:00 or 4:00pm and voila! There goes our day...

Football is also the only thing Lionel seems to feel passionate about, which bothers me to the core. There is nothing else I can think of that can make him get angry, disappointed, frustrated, happy, or behave child like. I wish I saw that sparkle in his eyes when he is doing stuff with us.  I wish he was as devoted to other things as he is to that. There are so many things he could be teaching the girls if he had 1/2 the passion for those things that he displays with this stupid game. But he has no energy for them, which if you ask me, is quite a shame. The girls would be so proud of him if they saw him doing what he does best.

I wish he didn't care about football, or I wish I did. But we just don't see eye to eye on this, and we probably never will. To him that is entertainment, and outlet. To me he becomes so inflexible and so selfish that it has become a huge pet peeve. So once again this year I will try my best not to complain too much about it. I just won't be asking him how each game went because quite frankly I don't care. I may be willing to keep my opinion to myself, but pretending I am happy about it? Well, that's definitely a stretch.

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