Saturday, September 11, 2010

A true Saturday

Today was a really good day. The thing is, I did not even do anything out of the ordinary. But come to think of it, maybe that's what did it for me.

I got up early to go to my 7:15 yoga class. I usually struggle getting up after a long week, but afterwards I always thank myself. I then had a massage, came back home to pick up Sofia, and took her to her tennis class. After lunch, still in my yoga outfit, my improvised pony tail, and my crocs, I went out with the girls. Out to the backyard that is, to play in the new swing set. The neighbors also came out to play. Isabella was out there for about an hour, and even though she really did not want to come in because she was having so much fun, she finally went down for a nap. I then spent another hour out there, but this time sitting down. The older kids can really take care of themselves, so I only had to keep an eye on them. That allowed me to spend time browsing all the fall catalogs that have already made it my way.

All along, throughout the day, I did not worry about my frumpy outfit, my bad hair day, or any other to dos that usually make me feel like I should just GO, GO, GO.

Eventually Sofia and I came back in, Bella woke up, and we all sat down to play together and watch TV. After taking showers, having dinner, doing some laundry, and hanging out for a little while, all of a sudden it was bed time for the girls. Which brings me to this point: sitting on the couch, watching some more TV with Lionel, and updating my blog. A quiet end to a quiet day. Now it’s time to catch some sleep.

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