Friday, September 24, 2010


This is the summary of a little conversation Sofia and I had in the car today. Enough to drive you crazy...

Sofia: Mami, can you pick me up at 4 today?
Me: I don’t think I can Sofia. I have to work. We’ll see.
Sofia: But, can you try to pick me up at 4?
Me: I will try. Ok?
Sofia: Ok. I want you to try to pick me up at 4.
Me: Ok. I will try. Can you please stop asking me?
Sofia: Because if I don’t stop asking then you are not going to pick me up at 4. Right?
Me: Right.
Sofia [2 minutes later]: At what time are you going to pick Bella up?
Me: Seriously? I just asked you to please stop asking me.
Sofia: But I am not asking you about me anymore. Now I am asking about Bella.
Me: Ahhhhhhh!!!!

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