Sunday, September 19, 2010


This is something that people without children would very much rather not read. But given that this blog talks about our lives I feel I have to document, at least briefly, Bella's progress with potty training. She is definitely still on diapers, but has already used to potty to pee and poop a handful of times. She likes getting the Dora diapers, the training ones, so that encourages her to go sit there. And of course it also helps that she makes me sit in front of her and sing her favorite songs while smiling at her and clapping my hands. Sometimes Sofia joins in as well, singing and making a pooping face so that Bella can see how it's done. We probably still have a long road ahead of us, but we will be patient. After all, she is not even two. And we know that sooner or later she will definitely get there.

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