Saturday, September 25, 2010

Open House

Earlier this week Sofia's new school had an open house. My mom had already seen it, and Tio Raj couldn't make it because he was working late. But the four of us, my sister, and my Dad all went.

We knew the place would be packed, and since we are so close we just walked instead of driving there. Besides, Sofia loves to walk to school. She was so happy on our way there, skipping, telling us all about it, and asking if we were going to stop by her classroom first.

Once we were there she was so proud showing us around. I like it when her eyes lit up like that. We spent a few minutes in her classroom, where my sister and my Dad got to meet her teacher, Miss Mitza. They also got to see "peace corner", which apparently is one of Sofia's favorite spots. This is literally a corner in the room where a short bookcase, full of things intended to help you relax, creates a private spot. The idea is that two kids can go there when they need to resolve a problem - or said simply, when they are fighting. They can also go there by themselves when they need some down time. Miss Mitza said that Sofia loves that space, so they have to remind her she can't spend all day there.

After her classroom we toured the rest of the school in a bit of a hurry. I wanted to go into the art room, but Sofia had other plans. We rushed through the cafeteria, the gym, and the music room. She then took us outside to what, to her, was the best part of the tour: The playground. Isabella of course was all over that.  But by then it was definitely past dinner time. So we peeled the girls away from there, went back inside, saw the library real quick, and finally headed home.
Sofia and Miss Mitza ...peace corner in the back

Bella wanted this picture, and then didn't smile for it

Sofia doing a scavenger hunt activity

The music room

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