Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Europe - Day 2 - Arriving in Madrid

Jul 24,

The day after you travel overnight to Europe always stinks. You are exhausted, having barely slept, so your body is dying to just go to bed. But the clock says it is just the morning, and you have the whole day to go. 

We landed in Madrid at 8:00 am, and couldn't get into the rental apartment until noon. In fact, technically we could drop off our suitcases at noon, but the apartment was still being cleaned. So we had to park, drop off our suitcases, and then go out and about.  We went to the Mercado de San Miguel to grab a quick lunch, and then walked to a park somewhat nearby. The park actually turned out not to be as close as we originally thought, but we had nothing else to do anyway. At the park we literally laid down on the grass for a while. It was a little wet, but we didn't care. It was hot outside and we were very tired, so it was Ok. 

After the park we came back to the apartment to take a nap, take showers, and unpack. We then went out again, feeling more alive than earlier in the day, for a nice dinner at a restaurant nearby. Our sever was very nice and friendly, and when she saw me taking a picture of Lionel and Sofia she literally asked to be in it. I thought it was funny, so I went with it. After dinner we walked around for a little while, and eventually made it back to the apartment to finally sleep - a much needed full night. 

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