Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Europe - Day 5 - On to Sevilla

Jul 27,

Barriga llena, corazon contento.

After a short 90 minute drive, this afternoon we arrived in Sevilla. And we were hungry! This morning we only ate some peaches we bought in Madrid because there were no food stores nearby in Cordoba, and the restaurants open late - at 1:00 pm. We were not necessarily hungry when we left, because with the heat you don't get as hungry, but by the time we got here it was definitely time to eat.

After dropping off our stuff at the rental apartment, and getting a bunch of directions from our host, we went back out to have a late lunch at one of the nearby tapas place he recommended. The place was really good, and everybody enjoyed the meal. Sofia was all excited when the octopus came out, and she and Lionel battled it out for the last bite of dessert.

After lunch, on our way back to the apartment, we stopped by a supermarket to get breakfast food. And now we are back here, chilling for a little bit, before we go back out in a couple of hours.

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