Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Europe - Day 4 - Cordoba

Jul 26,

Today we got up at a more decent time to get ready to drive to steamy Cordoba. Sofia took a nap for part of the 4 hour drive while Bella listened to music on my phone, which helped keep things peaceful in the back seat. When we got here our host, Lucas, was already waiting for us to let us into the apartment. 

We left our suitcases in the apartment, drenched ourselves in sunscreen, grabbed our bottles of water, and headed out to check the town. We first walked to the Mezquita-Catedral, which is a pretty amazing place. Originally built as a Catholic church it was later taken over and became a mesquite for about 400 years - only to become a church once again around the year 1,280. I have seen many old churches in my lifetime, but never something like this. The combination of Christian and Muslim motifs, right on top of each other,  is pretty incredible.

After the church we walked around town a little longer, had some ice cream, and Bella and I dipped our feet for a few minutes in a fountain. It was so hot that when we saw a drinking fountain, besides refilling our bottles, Bella also got her hair all wet. We also went to a couple of shops, and then came back to the apartment to get some rest and take a much needed shower.

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