Saturday, July 30, 2016

Europe - Day 7 - Lagos, Portugal!

Jul 29,

Today we left Sevilla and did the almost 3 hour drive to Lagos, where we are staying for the next 3 days. The girls were really excited about it, especially Bella, so nobody complained much during the drive.  I was excited as well, as I had never been to Portugal before. The girls were excited for the beach, but also because this is the nicest place where we are staying. They have their own room, with a big bed each, and we have a fancy rooftop terrace. Not to mention the amazing view of the beach.

When we got here we dropped our stuff off at the apartment, went out for lunch, and then went to the supermarket. That last part was "fun", as we kept driving around trying to find it. At some point we ended up right in the center of town, with their super narrow streets, which made Lionel very unhappy. The worst was when we turned into a street full of tourists, walking in the middle of the street, and we had to move super slow to ensure they got out of the way - without running them over.

After the supermarket we eventually made it to the beach. The irony of it is that we have been burning up for the last few days, with how hot it was in Cordoba and Sevilla, so now it feels kind of cool here at the beach. It is not really cold, but it is cool-er. So it is all relative. And the water is cold, which doesn't seem to bother the kids but will for sure keep me out of there. 

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