Thursday, July 28, 2016

Europe - Day 6 - Real Alcazar de Sevilla

Jul 28,

Today we set the alarm at 8:00 am so we could get ready and go out at 9:00 am. That way we could get a few walking hours in before the brutal heat of the afternoon. At least that was the plan. The girls struggled a bit getting up, so we ended up leaving the house closer to 10:00 am, but that was Ok. We got to the Real Alcazar right before it opened, so we didn't have to wait in line to buy tickets. We went right through, and spent the better part of 2 hours walking around taking it all in. It was beautiful, and also crazy big. Every time you thought you had reached the end, it just kept going. 

By the time we came out of the Alcazar the line for the church was really long, so we decided not to do that. The girls were getting tired and we didn't want to face a meltdown, so we headed back to the apartment instead. Instead of walking the entire way we decided to take the subway, which looked pretty new and clean. I don't know if it gets used a lot, since Sevilla is not that big, but I am sure glad it was there today.

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