Sunday, July 31, 2016

Europe - Day 8 - Calor de Playa

Jul 30,

Unlike yesterday, today we did have beach weather. It was sunny, and hot, and you really felt like being outside. Lionel and Bella went to the beach first, before lunch, but I stayed with Sofia at the apartment. She wanted to do rainbow loom outside, by the deck, and wanted me to stay with her. So I did. They were only at the beach for about an hour, and came back to eat lunch here with us. 

After lunch I took the girls back to the beach, but Lionel stayed behind for a little while. He wanted to rest, and avoid the sun for a little longer. The girls played around in the water, built castles, and of course found at least one reason to start arguing. 

When Lionel came down to the beach we all went on a boat ride to see the "grutas". The girls of course whined that they wanted to stay at the beach and continue playing, but I really wanted to go on the boat and it was only 30 minutes. So we did. And it was totally worth it. Everybody enjoyed it a lot as it is an experience you don't get every day. We went into a couple of caves, under a couple of bridges, and saw some cool natural sculptures on the rocks. 

After coming back to the apartment for showers and some rest, we went back out for dinner. We didn't go far, only a couple of blocks from here, but it was a bit of a chili walk.  It appears that around here the weather cools down a lot as soon as the sun goes down. A little unusual for a beach town. 

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