Monday, August 8, 2016

Europe - Day 18 - Heading home

Aug 9,

It has been a great 2 weeks, but we have reached the end.  Today we head home!

Europe - Day 17 - One day in Paris

Aug 8,

What do you do when you only have one full day in Paris? All the touristic things of course! It is not that we have never been there before, but I love going there to take pictures with the girls and see how they change over time.

Europe - Day 17 - A morning run in Paris

Aug 7,

This morning, our last day in Europe, I went running. I got up at 7:00 am, got ready, and went out at that time to avoid the crows. The city was already alive by then, with all the restaurants and stores getting ready for the day, but there were no crowds yet. It was also perfect running weather, so I finally got my 6 miles in!

Europe - Day 16 - Hello Paris

Aug 7,

When we arrived in Paris we returned the rental car and took a taxi to the rental apartment. By then the girls were really tired, so we unpacked and stayed there a couple of hours, watching the Olympics, until it was time to head to uncle Pierre's house for dinner.  The apartment is a 10 minute walk from Pierre's house - we purposely wanted to be close to them - so it was no problem getting there. 

Dinner was nice, as usual. We only see them every 2 years (and sometimes longer) but they always make us feel welcome. Bella was excited to play with their toys, because she knows they have toys for their grand kids. And she was also looking forward to drawing in the chalkboard they have by the entrance. Sofia, on the other hand, was more interested in watching the Olympics while Bella played. But she got to do something special when we headed back to the apartment. She said she would like to ride a bike in Paris, which could be a dangerous thing during the day with all the traffic. But since it was Sunday night, and there was virtually no traffic, Pierre rented a bike for her so she could ride it from his house back to the apartment. That was special, and made her very happy. 

Europe - Day 16 - The longest drive

Aug 7,

Today we completed our last and longest drive of the trip from Biarritz to Paris. Lionel was worried that traffic would be horrible, so we left at 7:00 am. Sofia was also worried, but for a different reason. She was worried it would be too long of a drive and she may not feel well sitting there for "so long". At 7 hours it was a long drive indeed, but we didn't have any problems. Traffic was fine, except for the last 30 minutes, and the girls did well. They both took long naps, we took a couple of breaks, and ate plenty of Mentos (their favorite). During one of our stops I even saw a brochure for a castle we may want to visit next time. Because you always hope thee will be a next time.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Europe - Day 15 - Last dinner here

Aug 6,

Today was our second and last dinner in Biarritz, and once again we didn't go too far. The street of our rental apartment has several restaurants, which funny enough are only open at night - and they setup their tables literally in the middle of the street. We were not so sure about the restaurant where we ate, because online it had mixed reviews, but the other restaurants we wanted to try were packed and the only other one with available tables was an Italian one. And we didn't feel like eating Italian tonight. But the restaurant where we ate ended up being a good one, and we enjoyed our meal and the dessert. It was getting a little cold towards the end though, so we walked up to the apartment while Lionel stayed behind to pay.  He wasn't far behind though, and we then started packing and getting ready because tomorrow we are leaving early.

Europe - Day 15 - The beach at Biarritz!

Aug 6,

This afternoon we had our taste of the South of France in the month of August. We finally made it to the beach closer to 4:00 pm, and it was crazy packed. It was actually funny to watch. We found a good spot though, and the girls had fun riding the waves and playing in the sand. The water felt really cold to me, and I rarely get in anyway, so I sat by our stuff watching Lionel play with the girls. We were there for a couple of hours, and then headed back to the rental apartment to take showers and get ready for dinner. Personally I would have been happy to stay at the beach a bit longer, especially since it was our last day here, but the girls were getting cold and tired. They really enjoyed the waves though, and were happy that we made another beach stop.