Monday, August 8, 2016

Europe - Day 16 - Hello Paris

Aug 7,

When we arrived in Paris we returned the rental car and took a taxi to the rental apartment. By then the girls were really tired, so we unpacked and stayed there a couple of hours, watching the Olympics, until it was time to head to uncle Pierre's house for dinner.  The apartment is a 10 minute walk from Pierre's house - we purposely wanted to be close to them - so it was no problem getting there. 

Dinner was nice, as usual. We only see them every 2 years (and sometimes longer) but they always make us feel welcome. Bella was excited to play with their toys, because she knows they have toys for their grand kids. And she was also looking forward to drawing in the chalkboard they have by the entrance. Sofia, on the other hand, was more interested in watching the Olympics while Bella played. But she got to do something special when we headed back to the apartment. She said she would like to ride a bike in Paris, which could be a dangerous thing during the day with all the traffic. But since it was Sunday night, and there was virtually no traffic, Pierre rented a bike for her so she could ride it from his house back to the apartment. That was special, and made her very happy. 

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