Monday, August 1, 2016

Europe - Day 9 - A challenging evening

Jul 31,

Tonight was not what I would call our most successful evening ever. As we were getting ready to head out I was having trouble breathing, so for the first time since I got it (over 8 months ago) I had to use my rescue inhaler. We then walked into the center of town to look for one of the restaurants that had been recommended to us. We had seen the other day that they had mini bungee jumping in that area, so the girls wanted to do that. That part was fun for them. We then started walking towards the restaurant, and stopped by a church for a few minutes. There was actually a mass in progress, but Lionel and the kids had no intention of sticking around for that. So we kept walking towards the Marina, where the restaurant was supposed to be. Looking back it wasn't a super long walk, but at the time it seemed that way since everybody was getting tired and hungry. We made the effort to get there, but sadly were unable to find the restaurant we were looking for. So we walked back hoping to eat at one of the other places Lionel had found online, that had good reviews. We found two of them, but as it turned out they were closed on Sundays. At that point we just walked back to the main touristic street and sat down at one of those restaurants. I figured it would be more expensive, and the food would just be Ok, but we couldn't keep walking forever. Sofia was starving, and Bella was clearly getting tired. We finally sat down, and they took our order and brought bread right away. But what we were not prepared for was having to wait ONE FULL HOUR for our food to be served. Clearly we were losing our patience, and if we had been in Cincinnati we would have just walked out. But given our luck for the evening, we didn't know if we would find another place that would actually feed us right away. The food as expected was "just Ok", and after that long of a wait it was impossible to really enjoy it. Lionel and I were trying to keep our cool, but Sofia was flat out angry. So we just ate as fast as we could to finally get out of there. The check still took a few more minutes, so Lionel stayed behind to pay while the girls and I went to a store next door to at least move around. 

After all that we were ready to get back to the apartment as quickly as we could, which means that we just walked back. We could have taken a taxi, but we were afraid the walk to the taxi stand would have been equally as long - not to mention having to wait yet again for the taxi to come by. Thanks but no thanks. We were done waiting for the night.

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