Friday, August 5, 2016

Europe - Day 14 - Salamanca: Hello. Good Bye

Aug 5,

This morning we got up and took a quick walk before we got back on the road again, this time to head to Biarritz. We didn't have breakfast food at the rental apartment, so we needed to head out anyway. We didn't walk too far, just 5-10 minutes from the apartment, but we did check out the main plaza and one of the churches. It seems like a nice town. We also had orange juice and croissants for breakfast before we came back, finished packing, and headed out. Even though we had a long drive ahead of us, I was happy to leave that apartment. It is not like it was bad per se, but it felt very oppresive to me. It was very small, oddly shaped, and I swear that smokers have stayed there. Definitely not a place where I will be staying again.

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