Friday, August 5, 2016

Europe - Day 13 - Social time in Salamanca

Aug 4,

Today we left Portugal to make our way back to Spain. We drove from Lisbon to Salamanca - about a 5 hour drive - to spend one night here. That way we would split the long drive from Lisbon to Biarritz and be able to see one of Lionel's high school friends, who now happens to live here. 

By the time we arrived in Salamanca it was past 5:00pm. We settled into the rental apartment and headed to Lionel's friend's house. I was dreading the evening a bit, since I didn't know her after all and Sofia had been challening earlier in the day, but I knew Lionel and the girls really wanted to go. 

We first went to the pool but I didn't get in the water. In fact, I didn't even take my swimsuit. My skin reacted to the sun and the heat the previous days, so while everybody was at the pool I just sat in one of the chairs, in the shade, relaxing and enjoying a bit of peace and quiet.

After the pool we went back to her house to hang out for a while and to have dinner. As it turns out she and her family are very nice, so everybody ended up having a great time. After dinner she drove us back to the rental apartment, and we went straight to bed. It was so late, and the girls were so tired, that they didn't even take a shower. It had been a very long day, so being asleep was a bigger priority than being clean.

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