Saturday, August 6, 2016

Europe - Day 14 - The drive

Aug 5,

Today we completed the 5 hour drive from Lisbon to Biarritz. Luckily the girls took naps for part of it, which helped a lot. We bought baguette and jamon sandwiches before we left Salamanca, so we were not at the mercy of the food available at the rest stops or gas stations, which was also good. As some point we stopped to eat our sandwiches, go to the bathroom and stretch our legs. The girls were dancing in the parking lot and being silly, which as far as I was concerned was ok. They needed to decompress. Lionel was getting tired, so he actually let me drive but only for about half an hour. I guess that letting somebody else drive turned out to be more tiring, so after the short break he took over the driving once again until we got to Biarritz.

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