Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Europe - Day 10 - On to Lisbon

Aug 1,

This afternoon we left Lagos, after taking some final pictures, to head to Lisbon. We were sad to leave Lagos, since it is so beautiful, but we (at least Lionel and I) were also looking forward to Lisbon. 

It was not a particularly long drive, only about 3 hours, but we did stop somewhere to get fuel and a quick lunch. At the gas station we had a bit of an "oh, crap" moment when Lionel momentarily though that he put gas in the car instead of diesel. Sofia immediately worried that the car might break down, and started whining. Meanwhile, I think Bella was totally distracted and focused on making sure that we bought some Mentos while we were there.

When everybody calmed down I went into the gas station store and asked if "Gasoleo" was the same thing as Diesel and they said yes! So crisis averted, we moved on with our day.

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