Saturday, August 6, 2016

Europe - Day 14 - Biarritz at last!

Aug 5,

After our long drive, this afternoon we finally made it to Biarritz. I had wanted to come here a couple of years ago, when I took my sabbatical, but it was out of the way. So this time we included it in the itinerary, even if it was for just a couple of days.

We were lucky to find a parking spot close to the rental apartment, and got settled quickly. The place is nice, open and airy, so it was easy to get comfortable. After resting for a little bit, and taking much needed showers, we went out for dinner to one of the closeby restaurants. We then went to get ice cream, which ended up being a bittersweet experience given that Bella threw a tantrum, and took a quick walk to check out the town. It was pretty windy, especially by the water, so we have crazy hair in the pictures we took. But the view was beautiful, and the place was clearly happening. There were plenty of people out and about. We didn't stay out for long though. We came back to the apartment to rest and be ready to enjoy the next day.

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