Sunday, August 27, 2017

Austin - Day 2 - Driving around

Aug 25,

Today we got lucky and didn't get any rain most of the day. That was a good thing given that we spent the day driving around, checking out the town. It is no secret that Lionel loves looking at houses, so it was fun looking at different neighborhoods and asking ourselves "Would we ever like to live here?". We saw a neighborhood that I particularly liked, where all the houses had the terracotta roofs I absolutely love. That was my happy place for sure.

After driving around we went back to the hotel to rest, change, and go back out for dinner. We went to a sushi placed called Uchi, which was different from the previous night but also very good. 

To end the day we also Facetimed with the girls, and exchanged loving texts with Sofia who is having a good time with grandpa and grandpa but also misses us very much when we are away.

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