Sunday, August 27, 2017

Parent night

Aug 23,

Tonight was parent night at Bella's classroom and I got to meet her new teacher. After work I picked up Sofia and the two of us went to parent night while Lionel picked Bella up and took her to her soccer practice.  

As soon as Sofia and I walked into the school she said to me  - in a tone that a really big kid would use - that it was really weird being back there and that the school felt "so small". To that I answered: "It hasn't been that long. You just left this school like 3 months ago". But I guess to her it has been long enough. 

The teacher went over some general things like the overall classroom schedule and rules, some field trips she was hoping to take the kids on, and answered any questions we had. There were several other parents there, but I was surprised that the room wasn't full given that both the teacher and the assistant teachers are new. After that we were free to roam around and check out some of the work our kids had done during the first week of school. We saw the goals they set for themselves (for Bella it was to be nice to others), a self portrait they made, and a drawing of them doing something they like. For Bella, her drawing was of her watching the iPad in her room. Sofia and I laughed at this, because her drawing looked more like her playing a dead fly. The teacher also encouraged us to write them a note on one of their notebooks, so Sofia and I did just that. We wrote that we wished she had a great 3rd grade, and that we love her very much.

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