Saturday, August 12, 2017

Lisa Smiles 5K

Aug 12,

This morning Lionel and I went for our regular Saturday run, and ran 7 tough hilly miles. After that all four of us went to a 5K in remembrance of a woman from my running group who died in 2015 from a heart attack. I hardly met her a few times, but was happy to go show my support. A bunch of people from our running group were there as well, and the girls had fun since it was like a mini festival. They also had dogs up for adoption, so they went to check them out. Lionel warned them that absolutely, under no circumstances we would get another dog, but they still tried. And I have to say that if it was up to me, I would probably have at least 2 dogs by now. I would have seen their sad little faces and said "That's it. You are coming home with us". When it comes to dogs, I have little self control. 

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