Friday, July 14, 2017

Dallas - Day 2 - Pinstack, pool, and teenager time

Jul 14,

Today was a good day for the most part ... until the very end when Bella had what I am going to call a meltdown. My friend had to go to work for a couple of hours in the morning, and his wife was shuttling their kids around in the meantime. So Bella and I hung out at their house for a little while until my friend came back. We then went to a local place called Pinstack for lunch and to play at their arcade.  After lunch we ordered a sunday for everybody to share, but little did we know that the thing was huge. It was literally bigger than Bella's head. We all ate a little bit of it, but certainly did not even come close to finishing it. 

We probably spent about an hour at the arcade, where Bella and I played a few games and she did a high ropes course. We may have stayed a little longer, except that our play credits quickly ran out. We headed back to the house and, since it was quite hot, Bella wanted to get back in the pool. And she asked that I got in with her. Both my friend and I did, and while she played around we had an opportunity to talk about work stuff.  His teenage kids then got home, along with another friend, and Bella started playing with them. She pretty much played with them the rest of the night, and was NOT happy when I told her it was time to go to bed.  I could tell she was tired, and tried to explain to her that she needed to rest [and they needed alone time without her] but that didn't really help. She started crying, and getting emotional, and didn't really know what to do with herself. I offered a tissue, a hug, a cuddle, but she didn't want anything. So I told her I would be here for her in case that she changed her mind. She eventually said she was sad that I had spent so much time talking to others (instead of her) and that when she went to play with the kids I told her she needed to go to bed. I reminded her of all the things we did together, and that she actually played with the other kids for quite a while. But I also told her I was sorry to hear she felt that way, and that tomorrow I will spend even more time with her. I suspect her meltdown had something to do with missing Lionel, Sofia, and her own home, which is exactly why I had waited for so long before taking her on a mami-Bella trip. She was super excited to come to Dallas with me, but clearly tonight she was in a homesick type of mood. 

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