Saturday, July 15, 2017

Dallas - Day 3 - A little bit of everything

Jul 15,

Today we did a little bit of everything. After having a late breakfast at home we headed out. We went to the Dallas Aquarium, which was crazy packed, and afterward headed to the Cowboys' stadium. We were planning to walk around for a little bit, and maybe have a late lunch at the restaurant, but as it turns out it closed right before we got there.  We were surprised, because the website said it would be open, but the guy guarding the door simply said "Oh, it hasn't been updated". Seriously?!? That was not a short drive, so we were not particularly amused, but there was not much we could do. We looked for a nearby place to have lunch, and ended up at a local BBQ place. It was totally seventies-looking, but the food was not bad. After that we headed back to my friends' neighborhood and played mini-golf, which Bella wanted to do since yesterday. It was quite hot in the sun, so we were all happy to have some shade. We then finally headed back to the house to get some rest.

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