Friday, July 14, 2017

Sports and Frozen Yogurt

Jul 12,

Today was again an all-about-sports type of day. I took Bella to day 3 of her soccer camp, and in the afternoon the girls had gymnastics. It was only the first day of the summer session, so we were surprised that they were making it a testing day. But it was all good news for Bella because she finally got the last skill she needed to make it to Level 3. She was super excited, especially because she had no expectations for the day, and I was excited for her. 

In the evening, after dinner, they asked again if we could go to Yagoot - so we finally did. Lionel said he was out, but the rest of us went. Even the dog came along. It was another nice evening - warm but not hot, and the 40 minute drive (20 each way) didn't really bug us as we are always listening to music in the car and that makes the time go fast.

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