Friday, July 14, 2017

Just another manic Monday

Jul 10,

Since Isabel, our summer nanny, is out of town this week I am in charge of taking the girls to their activities. For today that meant taking Bella to her first day of soccer camp, coming back to the house for a couple of meetings, going back there to pick her up, coming back for lunch, and then working some more in the afternoon. I would have also taken Sofia to her swim practice in the morning, but she wasn't up for it. Then, in the late afternoon, we dropped Sofia off at my parents' house while I took Bella to a follow up doctors appointment. We picked her up on the way back, took her to her French class, hung out with my parents before it was time to pick her up, and finally headed home like at 6:30 pm.

By the time Lionel came home and we had dinner, the girls asked to go get some ice cream. Actually they asked to go to Yagoot, which was farther. So Lionel agreed to go to Greaters instead, which was only 10 minutes away. It was a nice evening so going out for a little bit it was a better choice than staying in - even after a hectic day.

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