Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Monday lunch break

Jul 3,

Today Isabel and the girls came downtown to have lunch with me. I had tons of things to do, but given that many people were out of the office I had flexibility because I only had a couple of calls. The rest of the day was quiet work time. And with limited interruptions, I was moving at a pretty good pace.

They picked me up to drive together to the restaurant which - as I suspected - wasn't particularly crowded. It wasn't empty by any means either, but basically we didn't have to wait to get a table. I suggested that restaurant because I figured that after lunch the girls could stay there and go to the park next door, although as it turns out they were itching to get back to the pool. Still, I left them there and walked back to the office. It was hot outside, but it was only a 10 minute walk. And since the building was freezing, it was nice to absorb some heat before getting back in there. 

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