Friday, July 14, 2017

One Republic Concert

Jul 11,

Tonight Lionel and I went out for a concert. Once again I drove Bella to soccer camp in the morning, and Sofia skipped swim practice. And I worked, worked worked until it was 6:00 pm, my mom got home to stay with the girls, and I had to get ready to go out. It was a hectic day at work, I was worried about going out instead of continuing to work, and I was in an overall bad mood. So I was definitely not looking forward to it. I also struggled figuring out what to wear - which rarely happens. I finally settled on a simple black dress that didn't seem like too much for the occasion, too frumpy, or the outfit of a boring person.

Before the concert we stopped to get a quick dinner and got to talk for a bit about the work stuff that has been bugging me, about the future, and taking risks. I was still not the best mood, but it was improving...

By the time we got to the concert venue I was feeling better, and managed to relax and enjoy the show. Both the opening band and One Republic are great playing live, and although it was still somewhat hot outside it was definitely a nice night. 

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