Saturday, July 22, 2017

Last swim meet!

Jul 17,

Today was the last swim meet of the season, and it was also a long one. Pretty much an all day affair. We arrived at 9:15 and left at almost 4:00 pm. I was a little afraid that I would be bored, because I knew the girls would not be staying by my side, so I took a comfortable folding chair and my book. But since the girls' events happened throughout the day , I didn't really have time to sit and read at all. I was checking on them back and forth. They had fun though, and were excited that their team won 3rd place. 

At the end of the day we had to drag all our stuff back to the car, parked a couple of blocks away, which was not particularly fun. But at least I was happy the meet was over and we were finally heading home.

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