Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sunday - Together day

Jul 30,

Today we went to Summit park for lunch so the girls could go to the playground right after that. The weather was hot but not muggy, so it was a nice day to be outside. Besides, it feels like we are always splitting to run errands, do stuff around the house, etc. So I purposely wanted us to do something together - because we wanted to, not because we had to - without worrying about work or house chores, and without feeling like we needed to rush back to the house.

During lunch, while we waited for our food, we all shared our wish list items for our next house, wherever and whenever that is. It was fun to hear what everybody had to say. I still want plenty of space and room for my treadmill, Sofia would love a pool if we moved somewhere warm, and Bella wants a bay window in her room - something she actually heard Sofia talk about. Oh, and she also wants a hot tub, which I'd say is clearly not going to happen. As for Lionel, he loves looking at houses in general. So even though he didn't really share a specific wish list item, we all know he would love the house hunting process. 

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