Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bag of tricks

Isabella has a bag full of tricks now. Granted, not all of them are parent approved, but they are cool nonetheless. For instance, even though she can't really open containers with her hands yet, she has realized that she can perfectly use her mouth for that very same purpose. This is exactly what she does with the toothpaste. She puts the cap in her mouth and then twists the toothpaste tube with both hands. I initially kept thinking that we were not closing it correctly, until I saw her doing it right in my face.

Today she poured her soup from her bowl to her water cup. She then drank it out of there. She shouldn't have really done that, but at the end of the day she made less of a mess than when she uses the spoon.

She is also making amazing progress with potty training in just the last couple weeks. At school they even asked us to bring underwear because she had been staying dry all day. She still has a few accidents here and there, but for the most part she always tells us when she has to go. I guess that in the potty training marathon, we are well on our way.

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