Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The pumpkin

Today I bought Bella a little pumpkin. Sofia really wants to carve pumpkins this year, which we have never really done before, so I thought it would be good for Bella to also have her very own. Not that she would be the one carving it, but still it seemed right for her to have one her size.

When we got home Bella was fussing because she did not want to get out of the car, so as soon as we walked inside I showed her the pumpkin, hoping she would get distracted and would drop the bad attitude. That appeared to work, but not exactly the way I was expecting. Bella approached the pumpkin, and as I was hurrying to empty their school bags I heard it drop down. But then I heard it drop down again, and again, and again. Apparently Bella had decided to play with it as if it were a ball. She was having a blast picking it up and tossing it to the ground as hard as she could.

I asked her to stop but she did not care, so I had to take it away. I don't really know why I was surprised, knowing Bella and her crazy ways.

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