Thursday, October 7, 2010


My day at work did not end on a high note. My last two meetings of the day left me feeling overwhelmed, powerless, exhausted, disappointed, and just plain beat up. My penultimate meeting was to discuss yet more work that is coming my way, as if I was not already plenty busy days and nights with what is already on my plate. Then, during my last meeting, two people who usually don't agree on anything finally agreed. Unfortunately, they agreed to disagree with me, which means I won't be receiving much help to do something that, in my opinion, is the right thing to do.

Not long ago, when I was complaining about somebody else who was not helpful at all my boss told me "She is pushing back because the nice guy gets beat up". Maybe I should remember that and start doing what everybody else seems to be doing: Push back and whatever it is, even if I know I can help, say "Sorry, but that is not me".

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