Friday, October 1, 2010

Una probadita de tu propio chocolate

Tonight, as every night, I stayed with Sofia for a few minutes after we put her to bed. “Cinco minutos mami. Just five minutes”, she always says. This is usually when she finally talks to me about her day, mostly because she figures that if she keeps talking I won’t walk away, and she won’t have to fall asleep.

The transition to Kindergarten has been more difficult for her than I ever thought, although in a different way. I figured she would cry the very first day, and get used to it during the first couple weeks. But it has been a month and a half and, although she likes her teacher and her classroom, she still struggles with the idea of the after care. I believe she gets intimidated because the after care is loud and has children of all ages, including many who are way older than her. So she still cries about having to go there.

Tonight I was hoping to get her thinking of the good things about her school, so I asked her:

“Sofia, what do you like the most about your new school?” The playground, she said.

“After the playground, what you do you like the most?” “I don’t know”, she said.

“Well, think about it. What do you really like?” She shrugged her shoulders and said: “Mami, what do you like the most about your job?”

“Hmmmm”, I said. I was not able to come up with anything right away. But that did help me realize that all that questioning was annoying, and it was time to let her be, kiss her good night, and walk away.

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