Saturday, October 2, 2010


Tonight I went to see a movie with a friend. On my way there, as I was waiting at a traffic light, for whatever reason I turned left and made eye contact with the person in the car next to me. I never really do that, maybe because unconsciously I am afraid I will run into an angry driver, or somebody who may be otherwise offended because I am looking at them.

The other driver was a young guy who looked at me and smiled. He must have been happy. Maybe he was listening to a favorite song, or was on his way to meet a loved one or a group of good friends. It looked like such a genuine smile that without even thinking about it I smiled back at him ... if only for a brief moment, because immediately after I looked away. I guess I was feeling a little embarrassed for smiling back so naturally at somebody I have never even met. But still, getting that unexpected smile seemed to brighten my drive on a rainy, gloomy day.

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