Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The charity

Certain charity called me last week to let me know they would be coming by my street today and asking if I may have some donations. I told them that yes, I could have some clothes for them. I then put it on my calendar so that I did not forget about it.

I never really had a chance to clean my closet. Yet, I did not want to disappoint them. So last night after a long day at work, coming home to take care of the kids, doing some laundry, and putting the girls to bed, I did a quick scan for things I could donate. I really just wanted to sit down on the couch next to Lionel, but I also wanted to do the right thing.

Among the things I chose to donate was my maternity coat. I have been keeping it because it is a sentimental piece of clothing for me, but obviously I will never use it again and I know it could make a difference for somebody out there. I also chose to donate some brand new shoes I never wore because they did not fit me well. Once I put together two big bags I set them by the door, ready to put them outside this morning before going to work. I knew the forecast called for rain, so I put the bags inside another big black garbage bag, just in case.

This morning I put them outside and left for work. But much to my dismay, when I came back from work they were still there. That's what I get for caring. Next time I will just sit on the couch and get some much needed rest.

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