Monday, October 4, 2010

The bug

About two years ago, when I was still pregnant with Isabella, we discovered a bug walking in the ceiling of our bedroom. I promptly screamed and Lionel promptly threw a shoe at it -or something along those lines- and killed it. Unfortunately, since the ceiling is so high, he did not remove it right away. Instead, he promised to do it "later". So the days and the weeks went by and the bug, or what was left of it, remained there. Eventually I got distracted by too many things to do and too few hours of sleep and stopped nagging Lionel about it, although I still grumbled when I went to bed and was forced to look at it.

Isabella came along and the bug was still there. Isabella turned one and the bug was still there. Isabella turned 18 months and the bug was still there. But this weekend, all of sudden, before Isabella's 2nd birthday, the bug was GONE. Lionel had the nerve to call it my early birthday present. But I don't really care what he calls it. What matters is that the bug is finally gone. Which goes to show you that if you are ridiculously patient with your man he will eventually get around and complete his chores.

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