Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Special Day

On a day like today, 34 years ago, I came out of my mommy's tummy. Ever since, this has very much been my special day. I just love my birthday. I really look forward to it, and ever since I got married I also look forward to reminding Lionel way ahead of time about my special month, my special week, my special day. Maybe it's the anticipation of it what I enjoy the most. I know he gets a little annoyed as he sees it as somewhat - or a lot - childish, but I don't really do it to bug him. I am just genuinely excited. After all, there are not that many days when it's all about me.

I like to celebrate my birthday with friends and family and I always, always, have to have cake. In my head, the cake is the ultimate birthday symbol. Not eating cake would be like the Olympic games without the torch, the world cup without the trophy, the beach without the sand.

Now that I am a mom, I also have to celebrate it close to my kids. This is already my sixth year as a mom, and it makes me so happy to have the girls around me on my special day. They may not necessarily have been a birthday gift, but becoming a mom is definitely the biggest gift I have ever received. This year also, unlike last year, I got to celebrate my birthday in the company of both my parents, besides of course having Gabi and Raj to complete the family.

The weather was also amazing. I truly couldn't have asked for more. Every year since I've been living in Cincinnati I always hope that maybe the weather won't be too cold, and every year I am freezing by the time my birthday comes around. But not today. Today it was a beautiful warm autumn day. And the warmth and the sunshine were the perfect backdrop for my 34th special day.

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