Monday, March 16, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 1

Mar 16,

Today was the first day of the 3 week mandatory school closing. While Sofia complained over the weekend about us giving them a daily schedule, today everybody followed it (although loosely at times) without any complaining. All the girls got up at 9:00 am as requested, got dressed, ate breakfast, and continued with the day. Bella definitely studied less than what the schedule called for, because she swears she doesn't have that much to do. If that is true, we are going to have to quickly come up with more homework. Sofia did get in her piano practice, which I added to the schedule because it has been a while since she had real time for it. And I think it will be good for her. And Emma and Bella cleaned the freezer, their chosen chore for the day.

At work everybody tried to be in Ok spirits. We are used to working remote, but not all the time, and not because of this. And it is obvious that everybody is stressed out about having to work and take care of the kids at the same time. This is definitely going to take a toll on us. And the worst part probably hasn't even started yet. Let's hope we can quickly get into a routine to protect our mental sanity.

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