Monday, March 23, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 6

Mar 23,

Today I got up at 3:45 am to start working at 4:00 am. I worked from the couch and the kitchen until about 9:30 am. By then Lionel was also on the phone and speaking super loud, so I grabbed all my stuff and moved to our bedroom. I was there until about 2:30 pm, so I have no idea what everybody did before then. But I know it involved getting up late. At that time the girls and I had lunch, I took Emma to the post office to mail some of her stuff back home, and the girls and I went running while Lionel walked the dog. 

After running Sofia, Bella, and I practiced lacrosse. Or more like Sofia trying to show us how to catch. It wasn't super warm, but it was nice enough outside. And the sun was out.

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