Sunday, March 22, 2020

Miami University

Mar 22,

This afternoon we had our last family outing in a while. Lionel had told Emma that he would take her to see his college, Miami University, but for one reason or another we hadn't made it there yet. However, since Emma is supposed to leave soon, and this could be her last weekend with us, we made it there today. We walked around for a little bit over an hour. Keeping our distance from other people was not a problem, since the school is now closed and there were very few people around. The football stadium was open, so we got to walk in and take a couple of pictures. 

As we were driving back home, my friends texted me that the governor has issued an order to stay at home starting tomorrow at midnight. Not surprising at all. I think we all knew that it was coming.  So before heading back home we stopped by to get more groceries. Trader Joe already had a line outside, as they were only letting in a few people at the time. It wasn't too bad, but I am assuming that tomorrow there will be a mad rush at every grocery store. A rush I plan to avoid.

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